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Tag: Investing

Where Are You Going?

Where are you going?  A question we all ask ourselves from time to time, what’s our purpose, our Why and frankly, need to ask more often and more importantly “answer the dang question!” If we don’t know where we’re going before we begin the journey, who knows where we’ll end up…somewhere we didn’t want to…
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Reading vs. Doing

Of course, we need “knowledge” about any subject to have some level of confidence in what we’re trying to accomplish.  And, we can get knowledge from a lot of different places, books, DVD’s, school, the internet, other people, etc.  However, none of these resources will give you the “skill”.  Skill can only be developed from…
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Breakout Trades On Relative Strength

In this video, Chuck talks about a simple, yet effective way to join a strong bullish market when we’re not getting the pullbacks we may be looking for.   Enjoy!

Trading Books That Are Not Meant As Trading Books

In this video, Chuck talks about a couple of books that were not meant to be trading books but offer incredibly valuable tools and information regarding decision making.  And, as a trader/investor, the ability to make a decision quickly can be the difference between a very successful career in trading of someone missing the opportunity…
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Why We Love Our Stops

Sometimes having a stop loss hit can be frustrating but it’s the very same tool that will keep us in the game long-term. In this segment, we explain “why we love our stops”. Enjoy!

Books for Traders | Technical Analysis Edition

“How to trade” books are very popular, especially some of the more scholarly ones regarding technical analysis.  Here is a review of three and what it really means for you.   Enjoy!

5 Possible Outcomes To Any Trade Or Investment

Everyone likes the big winners but those will never mean anything if we have big losers to go along with it. Here is a simple concept that can mean a lot to your trades and investments.  Enjoy!

What Are Some Good Books To Read?

We’re always getting the question, “with the tens of thousands of trading books out there, which ones are a good read, if any?” In this video, Chuck talks about his first recommendation for books to read about trading and how the simplicity of price and volume combined with fair price value areas covered in this book can help…
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