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Options Deconstructed

Options Deconstructed

Options Trading can often times be confusing and complex if you’ve never had real guidance & training. That’s exactly why we created our “Options Deconstructed” series.

Every week (for 17 weeks), we will deconstruct a subject within the options trading world in order to help you understand each characteristic in it’s simplest form. We invite you to join us live online for this interactive experience & revisit the archived recordings for learning reinforcement.

ACCESS SESSIONS (Requires Enrollment or PRO Membership)ENROLL NOW ($249 ONE TIME)

Course Details

COST: Included for TradersArmy PRO Members.  Otherwise, $249
SESSION DATES: Every Wednesday (for 17 weeks), Starting August 9th, 2023
SESSION TIME: 4pm Eastern (1pm Pacific)…Sessions will be about 1 – 1.5 hours hours each week
LOCATION: Online Only

– We’ll be teaching using the Think or Swim Platform, but options content is not exclusive to our preferred platform.
– If you miss a session, you can review all of the archived recordings 24/7 at your convenience.
– Receive priority support from our instructors with any follow up questions you may have.

Lessons Include:

Calls and Puts Defined 
Introduction to Risk / Payoff Graphs 
Volatility Analysis 
Option Greeks & Mechanics
Building a Long Call Position
Building a Long Put Position
Selling “Short” Naked and Cash Secured Put Options
Selling “Covered Calls”
Intro to Spread Trading
Bull Call “Vertical” Spread
Bear Put “Vertical” Spread
Bull Put “Vertical” Spread
Bear Call “Vertical” Spread
Iron Condor Strategy
Open Q&A to Close The Course

Need a little help?  Just reach out!